iPhone & iPad Development Workshops

Never programmed in Objective-C before?

The Beginning iPhone & iPad Development workshop will get you started, but the all-in-one iPhone & iPad Development Kickstart Combo will give you everything you need to get your idea to the app store.

Already know Objective-C, Xcode and a little iPhone programming?

If you have a little experience but need in-depth instruction from an experienced developer, you should check out, Intermediate iPhone & iPad Development, or go for the all-in-one iPhone & iPad Development Kickstart Combo for a more well rounded experience.

Beginning iPhone & iPad Development

Day One

The first day sets the foundation for your iPhone & iPad development future. The day starts with a short course in ANSI C programming and Object Oriented Programming, and the rest of the day is spent learning the Objective-C language and how it is used in Cocoa Touch. Some of the topics covered on this day are:

  • ANSI C
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Objective-C:
    • Syntax and flow control
    • Classes
    • Protocols
    • Categories
    • Properties and synthesized accessors/mutators
    • Blocks
    • Memory management

Day Two

During day two, you will build on your Objective-C knowledge and build your first iPhone or iPad app. You will learn how to use the tools of the iOS SDK and the essential elements needed to build an iPhone or iPad app. Some of the topics covered in day two are:

  • iOS SDK Tools
    • Xcode
    • Interface Builder
    • Instruments
    • Navigating the Documentation
  • Introduction to Cocoa Touch
  • The Foundation Classes
  • Cocoa design patterns (MVC, Delegation, Target Action)
  • Views and view controllers
  • UI Controls
  • Handling input
  • Basic Graphics and Animation

Intermediate iPhone & iPad Development

Day One

You will dive right in on day one of this workshop and learn to use the key parts of the iOS SDK that allow you to build awesome iPhone and iPad apps. You will spend a lot of time writing code and experimenting with the SDK while building a real iPhone app. Some of the topics covered on day one are:

  • Table views & Navigation controllers
  • Introduction to Core Data
  • User defaults and preferences
  • Networking & web services
  • Device features (camera, accelerometer, GPS)

Day Two

On day two, you will really kick it up a notch. You will learn about the differences between the iPhone and iPad and how to make universal apps that run on both devices. You will also learn advanced techniques to customize your app’s UI and animations. Finally, you will learn how to debug and optimize your apps so they run smoothly and never crash.

  • iPad and Universal Applications
  • Gestures and Gesture Recognizers
  • Custom graphics and animation
  • Customizing UI controls
  • Debugging and performance optimization

iPhone & iPad Development Kickstart Combo

Most people, especially beginners, prefer to take both the advanced and intermediate workshops to fully immerse themselves in iPhone and iPad development. In order to make this as simple as possible, we always offer both workshops on consecutive days, and we offer a signifigant discount if you choose to take both consecutively. This is a great deal if you want to get up to speed on iPhone and iPad development quickly.